Why Doesn't React Have Typescript Support Like AngularJS? Learn The Difference Between ReactJS and AngularJS!


4 min read


Because of its exceptional benefits, there is sometimes overwhelming evidence in favor of one over the other. However, there are times when the choice is not so clear-cut. The difference between ReactJS and AngularJS falls squarely into the second category. To begin with, Angular is a full-fledged framework, whereas React is a library. Second, both tools can be used to create highly functional and aesthetically appealing products that adhere to the same standards.

When choosing between two or more tools, the key to choosing the best one is not to consider how impressive or popular the technology is, or what the largest tech companies are using. Instead, consider how well it will meet the specific needs of your own project and whether your developers have the necessary skill set to successfully implement it.

We won't pick a winner in this blog; instead, we'll introduce the main benefits and uses of both ReactJS that will help you answer ReactJS and AngularJS interview questions and answers.

What is React?


ReactJS, also known as React, is an open-source library built on JavaScript and JSX. It was released by Facebook in 2013 to create flexible, dynamic user interfaces, and it has been widely used by social media networks.

React is a popular and rapidly growing JavaScript library that has been adopted by several other tech powerhouses such as WordPress, Yahoo, and Instagram. Its most recent release, 16.8.5, was in March 2019.

Since its inception, React has been used to build core features for some of the most popular apps on the market. As top tech companies rushed to reap the benefits of React, they raised awareness of the library and aided its growth. Online software developer courses provide an excellent platform for learning ReactJS.

What is AngularJS?


AngularJS is a TypeScript-based open-source front-end framework that is primarily used to create Single-Page Applications (SPAs).

It was released in 2010 and is powered by Google. It is used in approximately 3,000 of Google's own projects. Angular 8 is the framework's most recent stable version.

Companies such as Autodesk, Apple, and Microsoft have used Angular. In the 2018 Stack Overflow survey of the most popular frameworks, libraries, and tools, the framework came in second place.

Let's start with the most obvious difference between ReactJS and AngularJS

Framework vs Library

frameworkvslibrary.png Image source- Google, Image by- c#sharpcorner

React is a library, whilst Angular is a framework. But what does that actually mean, and what does it mean for your team?

A framework is a software environment that facilitates the development of complex mobile and web applications. It is the foundation that provides a standard method for developing and deploying apps, and it can be combined with libraries that extend its functionality. A library, on the other hand, is a pre-written collection of code that can be used to build a product.

AngularJS promotes TypeScript from the beginning, whereas React is more of a patchwork solution. In other words, there are many things built into Angular that you don't have with React (for example routing is not built into React instead you have multiple libraries you can choose from). Because of this difference between ReactJS and AngularJS: ReactJS is very easy to learn and apply.

The use of JavaScript, the ease with which it can be mixed with HTML, and the component-based architecture. Any developer with a basic understanding of JavaScript could quickly become acquainted with React and begin creating highly responsive apps.

In practice, this implies that Angular comes with pre-installed libraries, whereas React enables you to select and get your own libraries as you build something that closely resembles your own framework, which is why React lacks an inbuilt typescript as Angular does.

Now after knowing about ReactJS and AngularJS, you can take the following steps to secure a job-

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You can research and practice AngularJS interview questions and answers and other front-end languages to help you secure a job!