Skills and Tools Used By Full Stack Web Developers

Skills and Tools Used By Full Stack Web Developers


2 min read

Skills and Tools Used By Full Stack Web Developers

A full stack web developer is a person who has the skills and tools to create an entire product or website, from back-end to front-end.

A full stack web developer needs to be a jack of all trades in order to complete their tasks. They need to know how to code, design and problem-solving. The most common programming languages used by a full stack web developer are PHP, Python, Ruby on Rails, JavaScript and Java.

Skills of a full stack web developer:

Programming skills (JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3) Database skills (SQL) Web design skills (HTML, Bootstrap) Server administration skills

Frontend Skills

Front end skills are required to create the user interface of a web application. This includes designing and developing the interface, as well as programming its interactions.

Programming language types: HTML, CSS, JavaScript. Tools: AngularJS, ReactJS, Bootstrap, SQL, Python, etc.

Backend Skills

Back end is where the majority of the work happens in the website.

Programming language types: There are many different types of programming languages for back end. However, the most popular ones are Java, PHP, Python, Ruby on Rails and C++. Tools: NodeJS,, EmberJS, MySQL, MongoDB, Django, etc.

Other important tools that a full stack developer must know Backbone: It is used to add structure to the Javascript code by enabling the conversion of data into models.

Codepen: This is a front end web development environment that facilitates building and deploying websites.

TypeScript: This helps in compiling and cleaning Javascript codes for better application. GitHub: This is a development platform that facilitates team collaboration and host codes. .npm: It is a package manager for Javascript.

Postman: This tool is very useful for interacting with API

Docker: Docker is a container tool that makes development and deployment easy by deploying a container instead of deploying the app and the dependencies separately.

The skills of a full stack web developer is not judged by the type of tools used but by the actual knowledge he/she has. If you want to become a good full stack developer, you must focus on learning right. These tools only pave the way to make things easier for you.